The Cedar Falls Rotary Club plans to honor our 100th anniversary! Roger Leavitt was our first President, with a total of 20 charter members on a blizzard evening in February 1924.
The Cedar Falls Rotary Club plans to honor our 100th anniversary! Roger Leavitt was our first President, with a total of 20 charter members on a blizzard evening in February 1924. We have been a downtown Cedar Falls club for most of those years, meeting at the Woman’s Club.
Rather than just honoring 100 years of Cedar Falls Rotary, which has involved numerous people in the community, we also want to honor our ESSENTIAL WORKERS. Those who carried on through our pandemic deserve our everlasting gratitude and recognition!
The city has given approval of the use of the park on the north side of West First Street, between the Behrens-Rapp Station and The Little Red School House. It will feature a bike/walking path between our two historic keepsakes, with an approximate 40-foot diameter granite Rotary Plaza, nearly centered between.
The floor will be 2″ thick granite slabs. The center will include 3 slabs of granite, 8 feet tall, 5 feet wide and 8 inches deep, representing the 3 categories of essential workers, bearing the weight of the world. There will be 7 bands of stainless-steel looping over the granite. They represent the 7 continents, as this truly has been a worldwide event.